
Program Vice-President Report of 1/19/22

We we able to resume our annual in-person holiday party tradition on Monday December 20, 2021 after we had to have a Zoom-only celebration in December 2020. Approximately 25 members and guests attended the party held at our rehearsal space at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in Van Nuys.


The attendees enjoyed an array of appetizers, main course specialties, pies, cakes, cookies and other tantalizing confections. Shelley Herman tested our knowledge of songs with girls' names in the titles and/or lyrics. The Valley Harmony Singers entertained with a number of holiday favorites, and there was a sing-along for all party goers. Mark Singer conducted what is becoming an annual Holiday Music Quiz. Each table competed against each other, with Gloria Rosales's table emerging as the ultimate winner. Our newest quartet, Tempo Tantrum, added to the festivities, and we ended the event with everyone joining in on a rousing rendition of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas.”


A good time was had by all!