
VP Music & Performance-5/12/22

The Music Team Mtg. was called to order at 7:10pm on Thursday, 5/12/22.

The Team briefly discussed the Chapter COVID mandates and felt we will continue with the standards in place at this time.

We discussed the Encino Farmer's Market performance on 5/29. We will add a few show songs to the list this time and Shelley will let the audience know about our upcoming show and let everyone know flyers with all informtion about the show are available. I will send out Marching Orders and song list shortly. Ben has asked if we will be performing in the same area and he will let us know as soon as he knows.

We discussed the Memorial Day rehearsal and performance. I will send out Marching Orders for this performance during the week of 5/16.

We then spent quite a bit of time discussing preparations and plans for our show on 6/18/22. On Sunday, 6/15 at 1pm, a few of us have a meeting with our contact at the Hall of Liberty to look at the remodeling, if any, to the inside of the venue, and to check out the equipment available for our use. This will let us know what equipment is available and how many volunteers we will need to run the equipment. We then spoke about the next four chorus rehearsals. On Monday, 5/16, we will set up the risers and work the show songs from the risers which will be facing the stage, and the chairs will be facing the risers. Hopefully, we will have enough members getting there early to help set up. At this point it is questionable whether we will set up the risers for the 5/23 rehearsal. The two rehearsals before the show, 6/6 and 6/13, we will do a show run thru with all pitch cues and speaking parts. Bob will send out the Marching Orders for the 6/18 performance. If anyone has any questions regarding the show prep, please ask ASAP, don't wait until 6/18.

I let the Team know that we have received two positive responses from schools regarding visiting them to explain Barbershop A Capella four part harmony. We will be sending a quartet to these schools to do this. This will happen sometime in August. Hopefully, we'll have some more positive responses by then as the school year starts.

I informed the Team that Bob and I had a meeting with Warren Garfield to go over songs and ideas for his show in 2023. I'm sure Bob will have information in his report regarding a new CD he will be distributing with the new songs for this show that we will start working on shortly.

For the "Good of the Chapter", everyone feels good about what we're doing and wants it to continue!