
VP Music & Performance-6/9/22

The Music Team Mtg. was called to order at 7pm on Thursday, June 9, 2022.

Most of the discussions during the meeting was in regard to the postponement of the June 18th show and the regrouping for the July 30th show. We have notified all of the performers, audio and stage crew of the change, and at this point have replaced or confirmed availability for the new date. We have five rehearsals left before the show,(DARK on 7/4th) and all of those rehearsals will be structured to work on various kinks, pitch ques and timing. It was decided that we will have two people blowing the pitches so everyone will be able to hear the pitches. Depending upon able bodies to set up and take down, we be working part of the rehearsals from the risers each week. We will be spending time on going over certain songs, i.e. Surfin' USA, Thank You For The Music & When I'm 64 to clean up some issues we have in each. We also need to remind the chorus that they still need to review the other songs in the show on a continuous basis. The first rehearsal in July, we are planning to have a complete run thru of the show to tweak and fix any issues we may have. We also went over the time schedule at the venue. Bob Karlin will send out the Marching Orders when everything is finalized.

Bob Karlin asked for the Team's endorsement for a Fall Show on 12/3/22. This will be brought up at the Board Mtg. for discussion and final decision. If passed by the Board, a suggested song list will be sent to the Music Team for discussion.

The Team discussed future Encino Farmer's Market performances. All agreed, if the weather is anything near what it was the last time we performed, we will not do the performances. It was suggested if we could get a portable tent like some of the vendors have, that would help. A couple of members have tents, but they are not big enough. If any member has a tent, please let Mark Wolf know. Also, we talked about the school performances that will take place in August. At this time, we have heard from two schools for quartet presentations in August sometime.

We went over timeline for the "Beautiful Dreamer II" show in the spring of 2023. We cannot set a date for this show until we know what the Far Western Districts dates are for the Quartet Prelims and SoCal East & West Division Contests will be.

"Good of the Chapter".......keep up the good work! We have a busy month and a half in front of us.


Tom Raffety

VP Music & Performance