The Music Team Mtg. was called to order at 7:15pm. The only members present were myself, Jeffery Bunch and Bob Karlin.
We discussed how the rehearsals were going and thought everyone was enjoying what we were doing. We also were glad to see some prospective members attend the last couple of rehearsals. One thing I did mention was that it seems we are starting the rehearsals a little later each week. I will mention to the chorus that everyone needs to be present before the starting time of 7:30pm.
We also discussed the past FWD Convention in Burbank. I mentioned that it was the worse venue I have ever attended. It was suggested that I should write letters to the Events Chair and the President of the FWD. I said the person who I should inform of our disappointments, would be the VP of the SoCal West Division which is Cathy Killeen. I contacted Cathy via text and she replied that she was out of town and would be calling me on Monday. I will pass on the results of our conversation.
We discussed details of the upcoming performance on 5/13, "Spring Fling/Ice Cream Social". Chorus Manager, Jeffery Bunch, will be sending out Marching Orders shortly with details of chorus call time, chorus/quartet costumes, riser crew transport, hall set up crew, etc.
The costume committee, Jeffery Bunch, Toni Wilson and Beth Karlin are in the process of checking out some new chorus outfits going forward. When they have ideas they will let the Team know, we will discuss and decide on what ideas they come up with and take to the Board.
The PoleCat Program chair, Mark Wolf, along with the help of Ron Malkin and Jeffery Bunch, has started to set up the program, and once the process is finalized they will pass on the info to the chorus. We're hoping this program can start sooner than later.
I passed on info regarding shopping malls in the San Fernando Valley to Jeffery Bunch and Beth Karlin so they can check to see if would be possible for us to send a quartet or chorus to their facility for the purpose of having a membership drive. Details to follow.
The Holiday CD will be distributed to the chorus at the 6/5/23 rehearsal. Most of the songs on this CD are the same, and we have added a few new songs.
At this time, unless we hear otherwise, the GASCo quartet will be going to Grover Cleveland High School in Reseda on Wednesday, 4/19/23 to present to the music class what barbershop four part a capella harmony is all about. We will let everyone know how it goes. We have not gotten a response from the Prepatory School in Northridge as to when this presentation will happen.
"Good of the Chapter" you can see, we have a lot of things in the works. In order for us to continue with what we all love, we need all of your commitment and support in any way you can help. It takes us all working together to make things happen! It's more than just Monday nights for two hours.