
VP Music & Performance-1/4/24

The Music Team Mtg. was called to order at 7:03pm on 12/7/23. The members present were myself, Jeffery Bunch, Ron Malkin and Bob Karlin.

The reason for this meeting was to discuss the 12/2/23 show, and plans for the new year. The items discussed will be in the following report from the 1/4/24 Music Team Mtg. which was called to order at 7:10pm. The members present were myself, Jeffery Bunch, Ron Malkin, Bob Karlin and Mark Wolf.

I asked the current Section Leaders if the wanted to continue in their positions for the next year. Everyone agreed to continue. I made it very clear if they are going to continue as Section Leaders then I expected them to know all the music, current and new, that we were going over at each rehearsal. The chorus members must know that the leaders of their sections are off the paper and know the music. If we expect them to be off paper within a reasonable amount of time, then we must be off paper before. We can't expect them to take corrections from us if we've got the music in front of our faces.

One of the things we want to have more of this year are Section Rehearsals. I'm happy to say we have new members who probably have no idea what this is. Therefore, I will explain at the first rehearsal in January what Section Rehearsals are. Just to remind all.....Section Rehearsals are not to learn notes and words of particular songs were working on in the Section Rehearsal. They are to get the song "Performance Ready", which means all of the specifics, i.e., unit sound, balance and blend, continuous sound, phrase endings, and most important RETENSION, etc. In order to make this happen, we all have to commit to spending more time working on the songs prior to Mondays at 5pm.

We also discussed the PoleCat Program and more Quartet activities to try and build some more chapter quartets. Once we get everything finalized for both of these programs we will let everyone know.

We will have new Learning CD's sometime in January or February. We will have the current rep and a few new songs that we will be learning. We will also be running thru some of the past songs the chorus used to do. Some of those oldies are on the January "What To Practice".

We brought up the Valentine Day performances. At this point, I don't think our President has gotten a chairman for this. This is and could be a money maker for the chorus. So, we need some action on this NOW!

We discussed the Spring Fling/Ice Cream Social to be held at OneGeneration on 5/18/24. Bob Karlin has already started the process of getting commitments from different groups to perform on the show. The chorus will be doing four or five songs. When we have decided on these songs, we will let the chorus know.

Our motto for the new year is "More in 24". That means we all have to put fourth the effort to recruit more singers, performances, and whatever it takes to be a better singing machine. It takes all of us to make it better. This can't be done by just a few of us. WE ALL HAVE TO BE MORE INVOLVED! I'm not preaching to the choir, but all the leaders of the Chapter must talk to the members and if they want to be involved more, point them in the right direction. I swear to you, I don't think any of us would turn down any kind of help. Remember....."MORE IN 24".