
VP Music & Performance-2/1/24

The Music Team Mtg. was called to order at 7:15pm on 2/1/24. Those present.....Tom, Ron, Bob and Jeffery.

All team members felt the rehearsals were going fine, but felt the time during the Announcements/Guests/Break period was getting to long which is causing our actual rehearsal singing time during the second half to be lost. We need to keep the announcement portion of this time reduced a lot. This is something that needs to be discussed at the Board Mtg.

I mentioned to the Team that Mark Wolf has decided to move to the Bass section, therefore that leaves the Bari section without a Section Leader. In the interim, Tom will handle the Bari section.

At the February 26th rehearsal, we will pass out to the chorus a USB 2.0 Flash Drive Voice Recorder with a very brief explanation of what this is. In Mid-March, the chorus will receive detailed info as to what these are for and how they work and what they are for.

Since we have several new members, Ron Malkin has agreed to be the Quartet Activity Chairman and try to put together some more chapter quartets. He has started the process of talking to the new members and has gotten positive feedback about participation in the program. Stay tuned, and hopefully we'll be hearing from some of these quartets in the future.

The Team didn't have a lot of discussion about the new venue and change of night for rehearsal. All felt it is pretty much a done deal. I'm sure this will be discussed at the Board Mtg. and possibly a final decision will be made.

We talked about Division Contest, and since we have two of our strong bass singers not available to participate, it was decided we would pass on this contest.

Bob Karlin will pass out new CD's at the February 12th rehearsal. These CD's will have New Repertoire for 2024 that will presented throughout the year, and Regular Repertoire which are songs we are familiar with.

Bob Karlin is still working on getting performers for our Spring Fling/Ice Cream Social on 5/18 at the OneGen Senior Center. Hopefully, we will have some of our new chapter quartets participate in this show.

Remember out motto for this year.....MORE IN '24. This means....more singers, performances, quartets, etc. We all need to commit to helping make these things happen!