The Music Team Meeting was called to order at 7:10pm on 6/6/24. Members present , Tom Raffety, Jeffery Bunch, Bob Karlin, Ron Malkin and Mark Wolf. Toni Wilson and Jack Press were absent.
Quartet Activity Chairman, Ron Malkin let the team know that the chapter quartet process was working as well as could be expected at this point. We have two chapter quartets so far.
The Team spent a lot of time discussing planning for the Fall Show. At this time nothing has been finalized. Once the theme, songs, quartets, etc. have been decided, we will let the chorus know.
The procedures for the USB Flash Drives will be explained to the chorus soon. We will test these at the 6/24 rehearsal. The procedures will also be on the website.
Chorus Manager, Jeffery Bunch let the Team know of the several contacts, mainly schools, that he is in contact with for future demos and performances.
Good of the Chapter.......We need to acquire some more paid performances. We have monthly expenses, so we need income. We all need to find some paid performances for the chorus.