
Program Vice-President Report

Program Vice-President Report of 1/20/21

The December 21, 2020 Holiday Party hosted by Mark Singer went off very well. Most of the chorus members attended along with family members and invited guests. Chorus members, Mark Nudelman, Bob Karlin and Kevin Longobart performed for us. Guest artists Zach Singer on guitar and Tamara Singer on clarinet also entertained us. Bob Karlin nimbly handled the holiday videos and provided amazing backgrounds to the holiday songs that the chorus sang, albeit muted. We also had a quiz based on holiday songs from the stage and silver screen.

Arrangements were also made for the VHS to make a group contribution to the North Hollywood Interfaith Food Pantry (NHIFP.) Over $200 has been collected as of the date of this report.

On January 25, 2021 Rob Mance, will make a presentation regarding vocal technique and other related issues.

On February 15, 2021 Katie MacDonald, Recruitment and Retention Manager of the Barbershop Harmony Society will be discussing virtual recruitment and retention tips.