
VP Music & Performance-9/8/22

The Music Team Mtg. was called to order at 7:10pm on Thursday. September 8, 2022. One member of the team, Phil Lockwood, was absent. Warren Garfield attended the meeting.

Because of the Labor Day and Jewish New Year holidays, we will only have two rehearsals in the month of September, 9/12 & 9/19. Both rehearsals will consist of Section Rehearsals on the new songs we have presented to the chorus.

The Team discussed future show dates and venues. We are still trying to find venues for the shows and then lock down the dates. We will let everyone know when this has been finalized. In the meantime, all Chapter members need to do whatever they can to try to get us some performances, and we could sure use the income from performances. We all need to do everything possible to get our Chapter's name out to the community for both performances and prospective members. We need to take charge of this. The community is not going to come to us!

We discussed future performances at the Encino Farmer's Market. The weather will determine when we will schedule future performances there. We are still waiting to hear from schools as to when we will send quartets to explain barbershop singing to their Music classes.

It was mentioned that the FWD SoCal West Division Contest will be held in Mid-March 2023. The venue not yet determined.

"Good of the Chapter"......keep the faith and do whatever we can to make it better!!!!!